Day 47 - New approach
I had an insightful chat with my mentor David Wheeler. While reviewing my Documentation he found out I had made Reference documentation, which describes all the pieces, features, configuration options, etc. He told me that I might be better served by putting all this documentation on hold and actually writing and packaging a dead simple SQL-only extension. I have to change my approach towards the project.
My new aim is to create: A quick start guide, which ought to just dive right in with a complete example of a very simple SQL-only extension, and then gradually build on it to develop something more complex.
He also noticed that I took a lot of content from 3rd party sites, so he suggested from now on to verify that the information I am including in my documentation is correct, either by including it in an example that demonstrates it or linking to the official documentation in which it’s described.
All the work I have done can't be used properly, so now I have to start anew and hope I finish the project in time (i probably will).