Day 20 - Overcoming Makefile Challenges

In my pursuit of creating a comprehensive and user-friendly Postgres extension tutorial, today's focus was on troubleshooting issues related to the Makefile and refining the content by streamlining the research process.

To address the problem I encountered with the Makefile, I delved into the official Postgres Documentation. After careful examination, I discovered that removing the "MODULE" entry from the Makefile allowed the "make install" command to work successfully. However, I still lack a complete understanding of why the inclusion of "MODULE" caused those issues.

As I reworked the ToDo list, I also spent time exploring various 3rd party sites and extension creation resources. While these sources have been helpful in gaining insights and understanding different approaches, I have noticed a recurring pattern and overlapping content. To avoid redundancy and maintain the tutorial's uniqueness, I have decided to limit further exploration of these sites and focus on leveraging the knowledge gained to enhance my own tutorial.

Moving forward, my priority will be to finalize the content structure and ensure a cohesive flow for the tutorial. By incorporating the lessons learned from both official documentation and 3rd party sources.

While the exploration phase has been valuable in gathering insights and identifying gaps in existing resources, I am now eager to shift my focus towards creating original and engaging tutorial content. By consolidating my findings, refining the content, and incorporating best practices.