Day 35 - Restructuring the Git Repository and Progressing with Content Updates

I have undertaken the task of restructuring the Git repository and making significant changes to the main content. This restructuring aims to enhance the organization and accessibility of the tutorial, enabling a seamless learning experience for developers.

To begin, I have started by focusing on the prerequisite section of the tutorial. Understanding the importance of providing a solid foundation, I am carefully outlining the necessary prerequisites that developers should have before diving into the world of Postgres extension creation. This section will equip learners with the fundamental knowledge and tools required for a successful journey.

As I progress through the content updates, I am ensuring a logical flow of topics, covering each aspect of Postgres extension development in a structured manner. From basic extension architecture to supported languages and their respective development environments, I am providing comprehensive information to guide developers through the initial stages of their extension creation journey.

Furthermore, I am paying close attention to detail and clarity in the explanations, making the content accessible to developers with varying levels of expertise. By incorporating real-world examples and practical insights, I aim to create a tutorial that resonates with both novice programmers and experienced developers seeking a deeper understanding of Postgres extensions.

In addition to the content updates, I have restructured the Git repository to optimize its usability. By creating well-defined folders and directories, I have streamlined the storage of information, making it easier to locate and navigate specific topics within the tutorial. This reorganization ensures that developers can access the relevant resources with ease and efficiency.

My goal is to make substantial progress and cover all the essential topics by the end of the week. This includes delving into advanced areas such as extension upgradability, providing developers with a comprehensive understanding of the entire extension lifecycle.