Day 4 - Maximizing Productivity
As developers, we all have those days where everything seems to come together perfectly, and yesterday was one of those days for me. I was able to make 23 commits to the project, which turned out to be the largest commit frequency on GitHub.
My day started with a challenge - trying to fix the Postgres.h error that had been troubling me. I tried various approaches, including downloading the necessary files and adding them remotely into the include path. Unfortunately, I still ran into some issues and eventually had to admit defeat.
After lunch, I was preoccupied with a major development at my house, but I was eager to get back to the project as soon as I could. I spent three hours straight on GitHub, making significant changes to the code.
First, I changed the code on my questions folder from HTML to Markdown. This made it much easier for me to edit and understand, and it only took me about 30 minutes to complete.
Next, I took the advice of my mentor and created a tree-like structure to understand what problems a novice programmer would head into. This led me to uncover many issues and inconsistencies in the instructions present on the web on the topic of extension creation.
To address this issue, I created another folder called DiscussQuestions within the repository. Here, I went through the step-by-step process of extension creation and provided basic information on what external resources can be used. I found an inconsistent form of directory formats and discovered the 3-4 most popular formats, getting details about them both. If Postgres recommends a set format, it would help future developers to code more easily, and upgradability and working on other peoples' extensions would be a lot easier.
Lastly, I found a lot of other resources that can help in extension distributions and compilation. I plan to continue researching these resources today to stay on top of the latest industry trends.
All in all, it was a very productive day, and I'm pleased with the progress I made on the project. I do want to take the advice of my mentors and avoid burning out, so I won't work too much today. Instead, I'll take some time to rest and recharge so that I can return to the project with renewed energy and focus.