Day 49 - Basic Structure:

Today, I worked on creating a basic structure for a simple SQL extension in PostgreSQL. I started by defining the necessary files, including the control file, SQL script file, and Makefile. I carefully followed the guidelines provided in the PostgreSQL documentation to ensure that the extension structure adheres to the required standards.

After setting up the file structure, I began implementing the functionality of the extension using SQL statements. I focused on creating a few basic functions and types to demonstrate the capabilities of the extension. Although the functionality is still limited, it serves as a starting point for further development.

Tomorrow, my plan is to perform regression testing on the SQL extension. This will involve running a series of tests to ensure that the extension functions as intended and doesn't introduce any regressions or issues. I will also document the regression testing process and results to provide comprehensive information for users.

By conducting thorough regression testing, I aim to validate the functionality and stability of the extension, ensuring that it meets the expected standards. This step is crucial for delivering a reliable and robust extension to users.