Day 5 - Research
The world of Postgres extensions can seem like a daunting and confusing place. In my journey to explore this world, I've come across a number of third-party blog posts that aim to guide developers through the process of extension creation. However, I've found that these posts often lack structure, and leave many questions unanswered.
One of the first things I noticed was that all of the extensions were written in either C language or SQL. I was surprised to find no Java or Python-written Postgres extensions. As I continued to research, I took detailed notes and updated my Github repo, documenting which code base each blog used to create the extension, and what additional resources were mentioned, such as PGXN and PGXS.
Despite the abundance of blog posts, I found that most only explained the bare minimum of extension creation. It was only after looking through three or four blogs that I began to understand the basic files needed and their directory hierarchy. Furthermore, regression tests and additional resources were rarely mentioned.
For a novice programmer, the lack of structure and consistency in these blog posts can be overwhelming. Following a single blog may lead to confusion and roadblocks, as the information provided may not be sufficient for extension creation.