Day 7 - Insights

Today, I focused on exploring third-party resources for Postgres extension creation. After completing my initial research yesterday, I started by reviewing each site and going through what each blog offers and what it doesn't. To make it easier to categorize, I noted down beside each link what code base the blog used to create the extension and what extra resources (PGXN, PGXS) it had information about.

Today, I continued to go through some of the third-party blogs to gain insight into the tutorials or examples present on the internet. This process gave me some new ideas for creating a quick start tutorial for Postgres extension creation.

Finally, I got around to installing plv8, a PostgreSQL extension that allows users to write stored procedures and triggers in JavaScript, which I had been meaning to do for a while. Although I got very close to completing the installation process, I experienced some errors during the make install. I suspect a system fault, where some directory is causing the issue, so I will try to fix it tomorrow.