Day 74 - Extension Distribution
Today, I expanded the Quick Start tutorial by adding essential information about various distribution platforms for Postgres extensions. This addition will enable developers to understand how to effectively distribute their extensions and make them accessible to a broader audience.
I delved into the different distribution options and covered each platform's necessary steps. From PGXN to packaging extensions for distribution, the tutorial now provides a comprehensive guide on how to share extensions with the PostgreSQL community and beyond.
By including distribution details in Quick Start, I hope to empower fellow developers to take their extensions to the next level and contribute to the thriving ecosystem of PostgreSQL extensions. As I continue to refine the tutorial, I'm confident that this valuable information will benefit both novice and experienced developers looking to share their work with the world.
Completing this section of the project brings me one step closer to the final version of the tutorial. With distribution now covered, I can focus on any additional tweaks and polishing.